Tuesday, December 31, 2019
How to Hide Gaps in your Resume
How to Hide Gaps in your ResumeHow to Hide Gaps in your ResumeDo you have a hole in your resume? Did you take a few years off to raise children, explore Europe, or simply wait for the right job?Having a gap in your resume shouldnt spell doom for your chances at landing a great job. There are several great tricks to help you overcome the dreaded employment gap, and we will go over these here.Be creative but dont deny the gapsThere is nothing wrong with taking time off from work, so long as you have been productive during your unemployment. Did you go to any professional classes or conferences? Have you learned a new skill or spent time training for a different career?These are all great skill-building activities that could be put into your resume.This can include volunteer work, too. If you spent some of your downtime pitching in at a local food bank, or coordinating a charity run, you can and should include it. If youre not already doing something in your down time (besides job hunti ng, of course) then get on itRemember that your resume is not just a snapshot of your jobs and responsibilities. Its an introduction of you as a professional to a vermgen employer.As such, your resume should tell the reader the beginning of a story- one that shows how you have progressed over the years, built your knowledge base, and met challenges.Group temporary and self-employment gigs togetherWhen someone is unemployed for an extended period, temporary jobs and contract labor are a common way to make ends meet. Others simply prefer the gig economy so they can have the flexibility to pursue other interests. This type of employment history can look a little awkward on a resume, however, especially if you have a handful of temporary jobs at one time.If you were a contractor, or if you did these jobs on contract, you may be able to qualify all of this time as being self-employed. Doing this will give you one steady explanation of that timeframe (and look a whole lot better on your r esume).Employers rarely look down on someone who started their own business, even if it failed in the first year. Failed businesses happen often and as long as youre prepared to explain it honestly in the interview, this isnt a deal-breaker for most hiring managers.Rearrange your resume to emphasize skillsA functional resume format, versus a chronological one is very likely the best solution for you. Its a resume format that emphasizes years of experience with certain skills, rather than the exact dates you workedfor a particular employer.If a hiring manager sees that you have 10 years of management experience, and five years of programming experience, they may be more inclined to give you a call than if your resume simply states that a few years ago you had a job as a manager, then switched careers to programmer after a year of unemployment.Keep in mind, hiring managers are onto this and when they see a functional resume, they are immediately aware that there is a good chance you d ecided to approach it this way to hide resumegaps. This is completely fine, it allows for an easily readable resume that highlights your experiences as accomplishments and gives an overall summary, which is exactly what hiring managers want to read.For many jobs, you may still need to list your employment history, even with a functional resume. This is commonly done at the bottom of the page, and it doesnt have to be as detailedas it would be if your history was front and center.Dont worry, and dont go overboardResume gaps happen, especially in an unstable economy. Having an employment gap isnt always a deal breaker, and when it is, its probably not the right employer for you in the first place.Its common to go overboard listing a dozen responsibilities under each job to fill blank space. But doing so can also give the impression that you are trying to hide something on your resume.Build your resume in a way that reflects you as a professional. Emphasize skills, list the small thing s, and be prepared to explain any gaps when the interview happens.In the end, resume gaps are far from the hardest thing job seekers have to overcome.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Bottling up emotions doesnt work, but neither does brooding
Bottling up emotions doesnt work, but neither does broodingBottling up emotions doesnt work, but neither does broodingGretchen Rubin is the New York Times 1 bestselling author of The Happiness Project, Better Than Before, and Happier at Home. Her books have sold mora than one million copies worldwide and have been translated into more than thirty languages. Recently, she joined Susan David, psychologist at Harvard Medical School and author of the acclaimed new book Emotional Agility, for a Heleo Conversation on how to listen to ur emotions without letting them overwhelm us.This conversation has been edited and condensed. To view the full conversation, click the video below.Gretchen Before we get into the big picture of Emotional Agility, tell us what it means to be a bottler or a brooder.Susan A bottler is someone who tends to push emotion aside. They might say, Im really angry with my boss or Im really upplatzdeckchen with my wife, but Im just bedrngnislage going to think about it. Ive got this project to do.A brooder is someone who, on the other hand, gets stuck in emotion. Why am I feeling what Im feeling? Why did this happen? Why did my boss do this? They cant move on, and dont get any insight from it.Gretchen People think its healthy to express emotions, but thats only if its constructive. If youre just ruminating over it, its a dead end.Susan Correct. Even though bottling and brooding look so different, theres a body of research that shows that they have similar outcomes- and the outcomes are not great. Theres more of a likelihood that people will have low levels of happiness and well-being, high levels of depression and anxiety. And, of curse, youve got an issue that youre upset about and not solving.By way of background, Im a psychologist and emotions researcher. Theres so much in the world that tells us how to be disciplined, how to be protective, but what I found in my research is, fundamentally, that how we deal with our inner world- our thoughts, ou r emotions, our stories- can drive everything. I wrote this book to answer the question what does it take internally to help us thrive in the world?Gretchen What are the highlights of the argument about emotional agility?Susan One is that were often told that happiness trumps everything, yet when people have the overarching goal of I want to be happy, the research shows that they are more likely to push aside difficult emotions. I shouldnt feel angry. I shouldnt feel upset. Its important to show up to your emotions. Instead of arguing with yourself as to whether you should feel a particular thing, open your heart willingly to the experience of all emotions as containing potential data. Values are beneath those emotions.Gretchen Im so glad to hear you say that, because one of the things people often assume that Im arguing is that the goal is to be 100 percent happy 100 percent of the time, and that negative emotions are bad. In fact, negative emotions are helpful, because they often will shine on something like envy, regret, or guilt. These can be very helpful- but you have to recognize that youre feeling them.You talked about mislabeling, where somebody, instead of saying, My feelings are hurt, will say, Im mad at you.Susan Often, we use very broad brush strokes for emotions. The most common one is, Im stressed. Imagine if I was working with someone as an executive coach and the person said, Im stressed, and I took that at face value. I might say, Well, learn how to delegate work. But what if really underpinning it is I thought that my career would have been different and that my legacy would have been greater? Its a very different conversation.Gretchen Im a brooder. What would you say to a brooder about how to manage emotion?Dont say, Im thinking too much and this is terrible. Simply notice your emotions for what they are.Susan Number one dont punish yourself for being a brooder. Its important to be compassionate and to notice those emotions in yourself. This is a critical aspect of how we can be kind. Dont say, Im thinking too much and this is terrible. Simply notice your emotions for what they are. Whos in charge here, the thinker or the thought?A practical strategy is, when you start saying to yourself, I am stressed. I am angry. I am upset, what you are doing is identifying 100 percent of yourself as stress. Instead, simply say to yourself, Im noticing that Im feeling stressed Im noticing that Im feeling angry Im noticing the urge to leave the room every time my husband starts in on the finances Youll start to create a healthy distance between you and your emotion.Gretchen Have you ever struggled to identify an emotion- like youre feeling bad and you dont even know why? Because what I say from The Happiness Project is, Are you stressed because youre exhausted because you stayed up late watching Game of Thrones? Are you stressed because your best friend doesnt work with you anymore and you feel lonely? Are you stressed because your c ommute is terrible? Theres a million reasons, but if you dont know what it is, then its not specific enough to have valuable information.I hate that co-worker, might really be, Im jealous of my co-worker because she goes on all these cool trips. Somebody was telling me that she was at work and feeling really angry and then all of a sudden started crying. She seemed to have no awareness of what she was actually feeling. Then you feel out of control and that is not emotionally agile.Susan Thats one thing that bottlers often find. They push the emotion, and then it upsurges. In psychology we call this amplification. Imagine you are trying to diet and you say, I refuse to think about chocolate. What do you do? You start dreaming about it. Amplification is this idea that emotions, all those thoughts, come back even stronger.Gretchen Theyre jamming it up and its creating this energy.Susan They think its being productive but actually, its the opposite.Gretchen If you are working with someb ody where there seem to be these unpredictable eruptions, maybe thats a sign of a bottler.Susan Absolutely.Gretchen How do you engage with that kind of person in a helpful way?Susan First, labeling is critical. What is it thats actually going on here?Another thing is that values are often seen as being cheesy or abstract. But when you create habits that are values-aligned, its freeing. Help people to think about who is it that you want to be in this situation?In a world of complexity and chaos and difficulty, weve got to have some sense of who we are and what we bring to the world. It helps us to be resilient and chart a course that is important to us.Gretchen I had a situation like that with my sister- we were talking about a conflict she was having at work. I finally realized, To you, loyalty is so important. You would never do anything that could be perceived as disloyal, but for me, its equity. It didnt seem fair, but its loyal. We were bringing different values to something whe re she had to decide how to behave. You assume everybody feels the way you do, but they dont.Susan It can be so freeing. In a world of complexity and chaos and difficulty, weve got to have some sense of who we are and what we bring to the world. It helps us to be resilient and chart a course that is important to us.Gretchen That reminds me of my Four Tendencies, because in my Four Tendencies, I realized people really do have different values. As an upholder, spontaneity is not a high value, but for rebels, spontaneity is very high.It really helps when you think, People might be bringing a different perspective thats just as legitimate as mine. Its not that one person is right and one person is wrong, but how do we talk about these things in a way where we can deal with each other without getting worked up?Susan And sometimes people say to me, What if my own values are in conflict? What if I value work but I also value family?But if we take that apart, often its not the values that a re in conflict. Whats most often in conflict are goals. I have a goal that I want to be at my childs practice and I have a goal that I want to finish this project. We are mortals and we cant be in two places at once. Its the goals that are in conflict, not the values.Gretchen Sometimes this stuff can feel very big and abstract, but one of the things you like to talk about is tiny tweaks and how people can take steps in their everyday life. What are some of the little things people can do?Susan Often when we think about change we think, Ive got to completely change careers, or, Ive got to move to a vineyard in Italy. Actually, what we know is that so much of peoples well-being, and effectiveness, and happiness comes through tiny tweaks. The small changes that we make in our lives that are values-aligned.An example is being a present parent- which is really important to me. During this book launch, Ive been finding that Ive been moving into worse habits, like being on my phone a lot. Ive got a habit of already putting my keys in the drawer, so now I piggyback a new habit onto that existing habit. I put my keys in the drawer and add my cell phone automatically.Gretchen Can you explain what hooked is? Being hooked by emotions?Susan The idea is that your thoughts, your emotions, your stories are driving you rather than your values. I always think about that very beautiful Viktor Frankl quote Between stimulus and response there is a space, and in that space lies our power to choose, and its in that choice that comes out growth and freedom. So often, we dont create any space between our stimulus and response.Being right is well and good, but as individuals, we still get to choose how we want to react, and sometimes what that means is to let go and hold lightly our opinions.Gretchen How do you deal with somebody who only is talking about their own thoughts and feelings and cant engage with your thoughts and feelings because theyre so overwhelmed by their own emotional state?Susan One of the issues is that it doesnt create space for anyone else, for other peoples feelings, and it can be very difficult in relationships. Often, where the person feels like Im seeing all of your feelings, but where are my feelings? whats really helpful is to enter into a shared goal. What is mutually important to us that we can both agree on? When you do that, youre moving away from me vs. you and more to us together.Gretchen Probably, people might be more aware of how other people are hooked than how they are hooked. When its you, it feels so justified.Susan There are key signs that our emotions are driving us. Number one are you in busy mind? Busy mind is when youre starting to plan conversations- Im going to say such and such and then hes going to say this and that.Gretchen Rehearsing, yes.Susan When you do that, you know that you are likely hooked.Second we often get hooked in patterned ways. Imagine you grew up in a family where it was very difficult to state yo ur needs. You might have learned that how you get by is to make yourself invisible. When I show up too much, when I make my needs known, Im belittled. Or maybe youve always held back in relationships because from a young age that was what you were taught. Now, youre struggling to feel intimacy and connection.Another way we get hooked is when we get so focused on being right that we forget to ask, Is this helping me? In so many aspects of our lives, leaders, managers, parents become so focused on being right that they forget to ask themselves, Is this thing actually serving me?Sometimes we have arguments that we struggle to let go of. Being right is well and good, but as individuals, we still get to choose how we want to react, and sometimes what that means is to let go and hold lightly our opinions.Gretchen Right. No matter what you think is most important, you can always choose to do something out of love for someone else. Maybe you think its ridiculous that your family wants to ge t up at 8 a.m. and open Christmas presents when you could all sleep late, but you could still choose it out of love.What would you say is the key definition of emotional agility?Susan The ability to have any number of difficult thoughts, feelings, and stories.Life is fragile, and often a struggle, and doesnt go according to plan. The world is not perfect, and we need to develop a skill set that enables us to navigate the world as it is, not as we want it to be.Gretchen Its not that youre happy all the time.Susan No, because life is fragile, and often a struggle, and doesnt go according to plan.The world is not perfect, and we need to develop a skill set that enables us to navigate the world as it is, not as we want it to be. Emotional agility is the ability to experience any number of difficult thoughts, feelings and experiences and still make choices and bring yourself forward in ways that are values-aligned, connected and intentional.I talk about key skill sets. One showing up, be ing open to emotions. Two stepping out, how you create space in practical ways between yourself and your experiences as well as the ability to perspective take in others.Third is walking your why. We are so often subject to social contagion. Someone gets upset so we get upset. Someones looking at their cell phone, we look at our cell phone. Yet if we have a stronger sense of what our values aretheres this amazing body of research showing that values are not these arbitrary, bizarre things that are cheesy and abstract. Really, they are qualities of action that are critical in helping us to be effective and agile.Then the fourth is tiny tweaks. How do you make tiny tweaks to your habits, your motivation and your mindset that help you to use your values and not be driven by your emotions and thoughts in very practical, everyday experiences?Gretchen Also, you have this great manifesto. If youre struggling with this, coming up with your own manifesto is a great way to get clarity of thou ghts. What are some of the highlights?Susan The first is this accept your full self, good and bad emotions, the whole package with compassion, courage and curiosity. Acceptance is a prerequisite for change. This is critical. We live in a world where so often it feels like we are in a never-ending Ironman competition and that if youre compassionate towards yourself, you must be kidding yourself, weak, or lazy. It is the opposite.People who create a safe space for themselves are more honest with themselves, they are more able to change effectively because they arent self-punishing. It doesnt mean you need to act on your emotions, but there is no emotion that is wrong or right.Gretchen Its like saying if Im jealous because my sister got this great promotion, thats so wrong of me. I should feel happy. The should.Susan Let go of that.Gretchen Thats good.Susan Also, think of areas in your life where you have what I call dead peoples goals.Dead peoples goals I dont want to be rejected, to fail, to get anxious, to be disappointed. Dead people are the only people who never get disappointed, who never get anxious, who never get rejected, who never fail. Do we really want dead people to be our role models? If we open our hearts to the fullness of human experience and our human emotions, we can incorporate that sometimes we will be disappointed, but thats what life is.Courage is not an absence of fear. Courage is fear, walking.Another one often when people are going into difficult situations theyll say things like, conquer fear, get rid of your fear. As an emotions researcher, fear is such an important emotion. It helps us to understand where were experiencing threat. Abandon the idea of being fearless. Instead, walk directly into your fears with your values as your guide towards what matters to you. Courage is not an absence of fear. Courage is fear, walking.Gretchen Like I am terrified of the thought that Im going to get up in front of 30 people and give the presentatio n tomorrow, but Im acknowledging that I feel afraid, because the fear can be constructive.Susan Yes, and doing that presentation might be a core part of who you want to be in your career, so its towards what is critical to you.Last one learn how to hear the heartbeat of your own why. We so often live our lives in our heads, intellectualizing, and stop thinking about what is truly important. Often people have goals, but the goals are what I call have-to goals. Theyre driven by a sense of shame or obligation.Gretchen My parents are expecting me to go to medical school.Susan Right. I feel shamed into doing it. Many of us even wrap ourselves up in have-to language. I have to go to the meeting. I have to be on dad duty today. As soon as we have to do something, our brains want us to do the opposite. We push and reject.A want-to goal is a goal that is driven by an intrinsic sense of whats important to you Ill feel better or Ill see my children grow up. When we have want-to goals that are connected with whats truly important to us, those goals are more likely to be sustained over time, and more likely to be effective when theres stress.Gretchen How do I stop a runaway train of negative emotions when I dont even want to be saying what Im saying in that moment? When youre feeling overtaken, hooked. Where you hear yourself saying these mean things and youre like, Im regretting it and yet I cant resist it.Susan When people have runaway difficult emotions, its often because they have been trying to push those emotions aside. Our emotions dont tend to come out of nowhere. Often we start having physiological reactions.Gretchen Like your heart starts pounding.Susan Yes. You feel a knot in your stomach. Those can be precursors to these runaway emotions. A lot of people find that mindfulness can help you to start to notice your emotions before they get there, and its a skill that can be cultivated.One of the things that I think is so important is to appoint yourself the agent of your own life and take ownership of your own development, career, work, and connections. So many of us have this struggle, and I completely empathize with it. Its unlikely that my eight-year-old son is going to come up to me and say, Mommy, why dont you take a day at the spa? Its unlikely that my in-laws are going to spontaneously offer to babysit so that I can go away for a weekend.Part of our responsibility is about being able to recognize this in ourselves, recognize that while we can show up to other people, we also need to show up to ourselves. Its not necessarily about changing everything. Sometimes its about these small pockets that you make for yourself.This article first appeared on Heleo.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
How Long Should a Job Search Take
How Long Should a Job Search TakeHow Long Should a Job Search TakeWhen am I going to find a job? Just how long should a job search take?Those are the questions many job seekers likely ask themselves at some point during their job searchespecially if its taking a while, or theyre unemployed and really needing to land something quickly.Just how long should a job search take? behauptung guidelines can give you a good idea, plus offer some motivation to make it go fasterRun the numbers. The truth is that there is no one, right answer to this How long? question. It varies greatly from person to person, and job search to job search. There are a ton of factors to take into consideration, such as the current job market, the time of year, your level of experience, and the list goes on.But if youre hoping to get a better idea of whether a typical job search for someone in your situation should take three days, 30 days, or 300 days, this might help according to some experts, it takes about one month of job searching for every $10,000 that you plan to earn. So if youre looking to make $50,000 annually, it might take upwards of five months to find a job. (This isnt always the case)Factor in the variables.Again, there are many things that can affect a job search and make it go faster (or slower) than you might have imagined. Things such as the state of the economy and the number of jobs in your area can play a major factor. If youve been out of work for a longer period of time, it could take longer, since employment gaps can be counted against you by a hiring manager. Other things to consider include the growth in your industry and your own flexibility as a job seeker (i.e., are you willing to accept a part-time job when you really want a full-time position?).Be honest with yourself- but maintain a positive attitude.A certain amount of your job search success comes not from potential employers, but from you. Its up to you as the job seeker to actively search for employment a s often as you possibly can. If you think that its going to take months to find a job, well, then its going to. Instead, have a more positive mindset that your job search will be successful- and swift. That means investing in your job search by creating quality job applications, making sure that your resume and cover letter are fantastic, and being proactive about networking. All of these can greatly improve your chances of getting hired faster.Here are some other tips to potentially help make your job search move fasterImprove yourself. Just because youre job searching doesnt mean that you cant do other things, too. If youre noticing that the jobs you want are slightly out of your reach, pinpoint what it would take for you to become a more qualified candidate. Maybe its updating your skills, creating more of an ansprechbar social media presence, or even completing your degree. Taking the steps to make it happen can boost your chances of getting hired, and also keep you motivated to continue with your search.Search often. If you thought that you could search a couple of times a week for a job, think again. Job seekers who want to get hired now have to search every single day. Although that might seem like a drag, fresh job listings post daily, and waiting a day or two (or longer) to apply can greatly decrease your chances of being considered for the job.Be flexible.Sure, you want a flexible job, but are you a flexible job seeker? Even if you want to find a full-time, telecommuting job, you might need to be more flexible and consider other options instead. For example, you might look for a part-time flex job (that could eventually transition into a full-time, remote job), or a few freelance gigs that will let you work from home. Its good to know what you want in terms of a job, but you also have to understand that theres usually more than one way to get to the goal line.Envision the future.If your goal is to get hired, start imagining what it would be like to a lready work in your dream job. Notice how you feel as you think about doing work that you love- and getting paid for it. Feel your body relax as you think about having a flexible job that works for (and not against) you and your schedule, giving you the time you need to tend to your personal life without sacrificing the professional. This mental vision board can get you through the tougher times and allow you to maintain momentum.Just breathe.Its easy to get upset if your job search is going on longer than you originally planned. But youll get nowhere being upset and frustrated. Even if youre not into meditation, start your day with a few deep breathing exercises, and vow to make your job search count today- and every day. Eventually, it will pay off with a paying position.Check Out These Jobs Hiring Now
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Getting Past the Gatekeeper During a Job Search
Getting Past the Gatekeeper During a Job SearchGetting Past the Gatekeeper During a Job SearchEvery company has one and they are every jobseekers worst nightmare. You probably picture them as a cloaked figure, hunched over a desk or peering into the computer screen like its a bubbling cauldron, laughing maniacally as they rip your resume into shreds.Sure, our detailed picture may be a bit of an exaggeration, but every company has someone that fills the real-life role of employment opportunity gatekeeper. Whether it be an administrative assistant, HR representative, or recruiter, if youre looking to apply for a position youll need to get past and woo the one in charge of screening resumes. If weve made this sound like a daunting task, no need to worry. Here we provide real-world advice for getting past the gatekeeper during a job search.Be polite and friendly Whether its in your anfangsbuchstabe email correspondence or in a preliminary phone call, keep things polite and professional. Regardless of your talent level, youll never make it past the gatekeeper for an interview shot if you dont have your best manners on.Sound confident and assertive on the phone Remember when youre communicating with your initial company contact that you have the necessary skills and experience for the job. Confidence in your abilities and an assertive attitude when laying out your qualifications will help the gatekeeper understand that youre a serious contender for the open position.Ask for the person by first and last anthroponym When sending your initial inquiry to the hiring manager, you should realize that in most cases the gatekeeper will screen all initial inquiries. If you address your emails to the hiring manager by first and last name you will come off as professional and also give the suggestion that you have a prior professional familiarity with the individual who will ultimately make the hiring decisions.Get information, even if you cant get through Sometimes you may not be able to connect with the hiring manager due to differing schedules or job demands. An outreach of communication, however, should never be a wasted opportunity. Even if you dont connect, try to find out further details from the gatekeeper about the job opportunity, anticipated steps in the process or nuanced contact information such as the hiring managers preferred name. Build rapport with the gatekeeper Perhaps the best piece of advice for getting past the gatekeeper in your job search involves a personal touch. When the opportunity strikes, do your best to develop a personal report with the gatekeeper. Call them by their first name and make polite social inquiries, such as asking how they like the company or commiserating with small talk over details like the weather. If you have the gatekeeper on your side, instead of a hindrance they can often become your ally in scoring the position.Final Thoughts on GatekeepersWhether its an HR representative or personal assistant, you can bet that there will be a person between you and the hiring manager for a given position that is responsible for screening resumes, phone calls and overall communication. Your best bet will be to approach the position as a potential resource and ally in your job search, rather than a hurdle to overcome. Use your soft skills to make a solid connection and follow the rest of our advice and youll be well on your way to scoring that interview or job offer with your target company.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The Secrets of Objectives Resume Revealed
The Secrets of Objectives Resume Revealed Ruthless Objectives Resume Strategies Exploited Objectives ought to be checked for spelling and proofread by a specialist. Recommendations Recommendations are not the same as professional references. Keep in mind this to write a great objective meinung you must analyze carefully what is the goal of the Statement, and so you will write the objective correctly. You need to have five objective statements. Sample resume objectives should be utilised as references, dependent on which you can make your own resumes. Bear in mind, you can store as many as five resumes on Monster. In the majority of cases, a resume objective is merely a couple of sentences long. Most Noticeable Objectives Resume A resume objective can explain why youre qualified for the job, even should you not own a lot of related experience. Putting an objective statement at the peak of your resume wont help you receive an industry job. Resume objective has become the mos t important component in the resume to impress the employer as its the very first note that captures the interest of the recruiter. As a result, while your resume objective should consist of information on the career that you would like, you also wish to spell out why you are the perfect candidate for the job. You are earning a career change. Therefore, if youre searching for a new job, it is critical that your resume stands from the crowd to guarantee you a spot on the shortlist. It is crucial to tailor your resume perfectly in order to acquire the dream job that youve always wanted. The explanations for leaving your prior job should not be written on the document. My purpose is to find the job. Your objective isnt just about what type of sales position youre searching for, its also about what you could do for the geschftliches miteinander that hires you. Your career objective is a chance for you to impress it to the employer immediately they start to read your resume which yo u are well suited for the finance job and deserve a chance for an interview. Entry-level objectives can be particularly hard to write as you likely dont have loads of work experience, but you do want to solidify that you know the sort of career youre searching for. ResumeAccomplishments By Category After youve settled on an objective at the start of your resume the following thing you have to do is present some related accomplishments. In case you have talents and experience in more than 1 area and are ready to work in them all, prepare a distinct variant of the resume for each area. When youre crafting your resume objective, you should concentrate on particular abilities and experiences which are directly associated with the job. A very clear statement about how youll utilize your strongest relevant abilities and professional experiences to satisfy the specific role youre applying for 3.In order to prevent rejection of any type, its mandatory to include your targets or object ive in the achievement section. Resume objectives should be written using strong language. Just take the time before you begin your resume to form a very clear objective. An objective is a brief statement that clarifies your goals about the form of employment desired and the way in which your skills make you a nice fit. Its mandatory to check whether the content of your resume supports the objective youve mentioned. After you get knowledgeable about the formatting, after that you can move on to its content. There are a lot of good formats. The sole purpose of business is profit maximisation, and so the recruiter is less concern about your individual objectives but your skills which will help increase output. In the end, stating an objective is optional, but it might help convince employers that you understand what you need and know about the business. Its important to get complete understanding about tailoring resumes.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Second-Handshake #8216;Smoke#8217; Time to Change Your Business Greetings
Second-Handshake 8216Smoke8217 Time to Change Your Business Greetings On top of all the psychological, cultural and sociological arguments I recently gave for importing Japanese-style bowing as a standard greeting or farewell, now theres a medical one a May 20, 2014 CBS Denver-affiliate report, titled Is Your Handshake as Dangerous as Smoking?, by Dr. Dave Hnida, citing a warning from UCLA researchers A commentary in the Journal of the American Medical Association says that it is time to say goodbye to the handshake greeting in a healthcare setting. Or for that measure, goodbye to the goodbye handshake itself. (To which I would add by logical extension the hello handshake as well, and with definitely greater reluctance, holding hands in any form whatsoever.)He adds that because the handshake has been believed to be a prime means of spreading germs and diseases, the emergence of dangerous infection s like MERS has injected a new urgency into the discussion.This hazard comes on top of the JAMA cited risk of transmission of the Norovirus (200,000 annual fatalities worldwide), Clostridium bacteria (which causes colitis and other gastrointestinal distress), the flu and the common cold.Interestingly, and perhaps reflecting entrenched cultural resistance to bowing in the Western world, the only alternatives he suggests are a long-distance wave or salute. However, lets not forget that the Germans experimented with the latter for about 15 years, but that didnt work out too well for them. Ditto for fruchtwein of the Roman gladiators in the Colosseum on the saatkorn issue.As for the wave as a replacement for the handshakewell, thats going to look silly when you are about a foot away from a client or candidate, unless one of you is a bubbly teenage Japanese girl with a Mickey Mouse watch on the hand that is waving like a wind-up, wildly swinging, out-of-control Queen Elizabeth gloved pen dulum.The (un)conscious resistance to bowing seems so strong that in a separate CBS Dallas report on the same issue, it welches recommended that a hand over the heart or even the fist-bump replace the handshakefist-bump, with a visiting dignitary, a board member or your uptight boss?(Who, by the way, would probably feel just as uneasy with a hand-over-the-heart signal vulnerable to being misconstrued as an unwelcome romantic overture.)So, it seems to me that, by default, that leaves or at least includes bowing as a public health alternative.Handshake-Free Zones Now, the recommendation to shake off the handshake was offered in all seriousness in the article and the journal commentary, as was a comparison with the dangers of smoking The recommendation is to treat the handshake like smokingand to have handshake-free zones. Although it is unclear whether that was Dr. Hnidas proposal or the UCLA researchers.Given the well-confirmed dangers of so-called second-hand (secondhand) smoke, tha t recommendation and comparison suggests to me the wisdom of viewing the danger as that of the second-hand handshakeor second-hand (shake) illnesses, especially apt in light of the fact that it is the second hand, i.e., that of the person whose hand is being shaken, that facilitates the spread of infection from one hand to another.Resilience vs. ResistancePhasing out the handshake, without resorting to silly waving or scary salutes, wont be easyinitially. However, cultures, however resistant to change are also remarkably resilient. As I argued in my recent article, Whats So Bad About Bowing to Customers, Clients, Guests and the Boss? A Cross-Cultural Analysis, bowing can preserve our equalitarianism if implemented with the understanding that everyone bows to the same standardized degree, much as we are all encouraged to squeeze hands to the same degree and hold on for the same length of time when shaking hands. No problem.Yes, initially there is likely to be awkwardness and uncertai ntymuch like that I experienced yesterday, at a bus terminal in Shin-Yamaguchi, Japan.Unsure of where my bus bay was located, I asked a very professional-looking woman in a business suit, who, in passing by, could have been on her way to a corporate boardroom.Like everyone else in the past month+ here in Japan, she was perfectly polite and gracious in trying to help. But, then, things got a little weird.As I thanked her and was about to head off, she performed, in very rapid succession, about five bowseach a full 90 degreeswhich I would have thought would be normally be reserved for origami (Japanese paper-folding), an audience with the Emperor or a first meeting with a prospective Japanese mother-in-law.Time to Take Off the GlovesOf course, you could consider wearing or putting on gloves when greeting clients, candidates and colleagues.But, if we are going to get serious about dealing with antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, constantly morphing viruses and the risks of a glob al pandemic, its clear that its about time to take off the gloveswhich would themselves become contaminatedand get very serious about changing our infectious ways.Hence, it is to be hoped that we all adopt the most sensible way to greet each otherbowingand make it infectious as an idea, unlike the literally infectious handshake.
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